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Our Workplace Rehabilitation Services

Same Employer Services (Physical and Psychological Injuries)

We support our clients to recover physically and mentally from their injury or illness and manage every aspect of their return to work journey with their employer. We collaborate with all stakeholders involved in our client’s return to work plan, which includes assessing their capacity for the work they will return to and their workplace to make their return as seamless as possible.

Our Same Employer Services offered across Australia include:

New Employer Services (Physical and Psychological Injuries)

When our clients experience injuries that make it difficult to return to their previous place of employment or role, we work with them to create new vocational plans to support their return to work in a new role or with a new employer. We assess our patients’ physical and cognitive capabilities, interests, educational and employment background, and skills to support them through the process that includes facilitating work placements and trials. 

Our New Employer Services include:

Life Claims and Veterans Services

For many, their role or work life has distinctively impacted their health and wellbeing. Our team works with such individuals, including veterans of the armed services, to rehabilitate them from physical and psychological injuries and support improvements in their life and wellbeing. 

Our services offered across Australia include:

Depending on an individual’s need we may include in their program:

  • A vocational assessment with FuturePathways® (a digital platform that guides vocational direction to sustain long term employment)
  • Rehabilitation and career counselling
  • Job seeking education and coaching
  • Job placement and work trials
  • Return to work plans

Lifetime Care and Support/Complex/Severe Claims

Depending on the insurance scheme or state where a motor vehicle or workplace accident occurs, those who have suffered a severe or complex lifelong injury may be eligible for lifetime care and support. 

Our experienced occupational therapists, with local expertise across over 90 locations throughout Australia, including major cities like Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne, work with those who meet the eligibility criteria for lifelong care and support, as well as individuals working through long-term complex and severe claims from injury. These services aim to help those who have suffered a severe or complex injury to increase their independence, improve their ability to participate in their community and continue enjoying life.

Depending on each scheme, these services may include: 

  • Assessment to determine ongoing needs including equipment and support services.
  • Rehabilitation across Australia, such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
  • Provision of aids and equipment, such as wheelchairs.
  • Home and vehicle modifications.
  • Identification of need for care services such as domestic services, home and garden maintenance and assistance with personal care. 
  • Support to return to study or work.
Rehab Services F altius group

Need help finding the right workplace rehabilitation solution? Speak with an expert.

Why choose Altius Group As Your Workplace Rehabilitation Provider?

We bring the full range of allied health professionals together in one accessible hub.
We tailor support to address physical, psychological and social barriers impacting clients.
Low consultant caseloads help us focus on delivering engaged, personalised services.
Our consultants across Australia are trained in professional communication and negotiation.
We manage claims costs with the insurer for optimal client and commercial outcomes.
We specialise in workplace rehabilitation for major Australian industries.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Rehabilitation Support Services

Once referred, you can expect a qualified allied health consultant with expertise in areas including occupational therapy, exercise physiology, physiotherapy, psychology, and/or rehabilitation counselling to manage your case according to your unique circumstances.

Typically, your assigned consultant will arrange an initial meeting between you, your employer (where relevant) and/or a nominated treating doctor to assess your current circumstances. They will review your needs, work with you to establish goals and identify an appropriate plan to support you through your recovery and return to work. Depending on the services you've been referred for, your assigned allied health consultant may facilitate regular monitoring of your progress against an established recovery and return to work plan and ensure additional support systems or services during the program, if required.

The role of your assigned workplace rehabilitation provider at Altius Group is to empower, support and guide you through your recovery, and return to health, wellbeing and work. We provide rehabilitation support services and practical recommendations and expertise to you and the organisation where you work (where relevant) with the view to maximise health potential. Your assigned consultant will coordinate your recovery program with all stakeholders involved to ensure you achieve an optimum outcome and can return to work quickly and safely. This may include discussions with your insurer, treatment providers, nominated treating doctor and employer as well as arranging referrals to other service providers within Altius Group or externally as deemed appropriate.
No, Altius Group Rehabilitation Services is an independent, accredited workplace rehabilitation provider. We are usually engaged directly by your insurer as an independent third party to deliver occupational rehabilitation our expertise, as well as coordinate and plan your rehabilitation program. Whilst we do have direct involvement with your insurer, this is to ensure you can access all required services to support your active recovery and return to work. These include facilitating treatment approvals, providing recommendations to further support your rehabilitation, and providing regular updates regarding your progress and any potential barriers that may arise along the way.

Yes, Altius Group has 90 office locations nationally across Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, and regional centres. In addition, we offer remote workplace rehabilitation services such as telehealth and can travel to rural areas to ensure access to our comprehensive support services for all Australians.

The Altius Group allied health professionals come from a range of disciplinary backgrounds including occupational therapy, exercise physiology, physiotherapy, psychology and/or rehabilitation counselling. We believe a quality service can only be delivered by consultants with the highest expertise and knowledge. We ensure each team member maintains accreditation with their relevant professional body to meet the requirements for delivering workplace rehabilitation services. In addition, all team members are supported in internal and external professional development to enable us to maintain up-to-date industry clinical knowledge and expertise.
Complete our simple referral form here or contact us. If you have a preference for a particular consultant to service the referral, we are typically able to accommodate your request. When allocating new referrals within our team, we ensure the most appropriate match between consultant and client by examining and understanding your referral and the service requirements.

If you’ve been catastrophically injured in a road accident you may be eligible for lifetime care and support. The schemes are run state by state and are a no-fault insurance funded by a levy on green slips (Compulsory Third Party Insurance). It is best to contact your state government scheme for further information:

NSW: Lifetime Care and Support Scheme – run by iCare Lifetime Care

ACT: Lifetime Care and Support Scheme – run by ACT Treasury

SA: Lifetime Support Scheme – run by Lifetime Support Authority

WA: Catastrophic Injuries Support – run by The Insurance Commission of Western Australia

QLD: The National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ) 

VIC: Transport Accident Commission (TAC) 

NT: Motor Accidents Compensation Scheme – run by TIO

TAS: Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB)

Altius Group provides workplace rehabilitation services across Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, and regional areas.

Our Brisbane-based consultants assess your physical and mental health, collaborate with your employer, and develop a customised return to work plan tailored to your needs.

Yes, we provide telehealth services and can travel to rural areas to ensure clients in remote parts of Australia have access to our workplace rehabilitation services. Call us to find out more and to see if we have an office near you.

The length of rehabilitation varies depending on the complexity of the injury. Our Sydney and Melbourne consultants will provide a tailored timeline after an initial assessment.