New Employer Services(Physical and Psychological Injuries)
When injuries occur that make it difficult for our clients to return to their previous place of employment or role, we work with them to create new vocational plans to support their return to work in a new role or with a new employer.
We assess their physical and cognitive capabilities, their interests, educational and employment background, and skills to support them through the process including facilitating work placements and trials.
Our New Employer Services (Physical and Psychological Injuries)
Vocational Assessment (including digital delivery) with FuturePathways®
Our professional vocational assessments provide a solid foundation to help individuals navigate their future career or return to work direction. Through interview and standardised assessments, we gather details of an individual’s previous employment, education, achievements, and interests - to analyse their aptitudes and abilities and establish their transferable skills.
Looking at results, we consider the individual’s capabilities and capacity to work to identify a suitable employment option. This option may be suitable for them immediately or in the near future, for instance, when their capacity for work improves or once they re-train.
Our vocational assessments utilise FuturePathways®- an innovative, digitally supported vocational and career matching assessment platform. The interactive platform guides individuals requiring vocational, redeployment or outplacement support - accurately matching them to suitable careers. Our vocational recommendations reflect any injury or disability considerations for individuals.
Our vocational assessments:
- Enable our experienced psychologists and rehabilitation counsellors to assess an individual’s capacity in relation to vocational preparation and return to work decision making.
- Help our counsellors to build a rapport with their clients to support them through challenging transitional periods.
- Identify required vocational supports needed to achieve a positive return to work outcome (such as job seeking skills, graduated return to work approaches, re-training and upskilling).
- Highlight the individual’s abilities, and transferable skills as well as their preferred working styles and environments.
- Include all recommended vocational options, return to work considerations, and highlight any retraining needs.
- Deliver accurate insights into an individual’s potential to find meaningful employment that fits their values, interests, skill set, and motivational drivers and which reflects their physical and psychological capacity.
Rehabilitation and Career Counselling
Our skilled rehabilitation consultants work with clients following their injury to help them to identify suitable new employment pathways. We focus on collaboration, rapport building and thorough planning to build trust with our clients and encourage their commitment to achieving realistic return to work goals.
The benefits of rehabilitation and career counselling:
- Improves focus and motivates individuals who are ambivalent about returning to work after an injury, transitioning them to having the mindset and skills to get things in place to seek employment.
- Encourages individuals returning from an injury to think about potential new career choices and paths that are best suited to their skills and interests.
- Tailors a plan according to an individual’s specific needs, helping them to stay motivated and on track to achieve their career goals.
- Allows opportunity to further research and explore potential training and placement needs to enhance applications in the open labour market.
Job Seeking Education and Coaching
After conducting a vocational assessment, individuals can take advantage of customised job-seeking services designed to help them confidently pursue new employment. Our team offers support with applications, developing resumes and cover letters, interview skills, upgrading computer skills as well as re-training, and ongoing monitoring.
Our team helps individuals to disclose their injury or illness in applications and interviews, to enhance outcomes.
Job seeking education and coaching:
- Empowers individuals and increases confidence by providing new skills and clearer pathways back into the work environment.
- Gives active support in job applications and provides coaching in interview techniques.
- Helps individuals to find sustainable, long-term employment.
- Mitigates obstacles to securing new employment such as lack of industry awareness, uncertainty in application processes etc.
- Motivates individuals to actively engage in independent job searching, enhancing redeployment outcomes and opportunities.
Job Placement and Work Trials
We network with local employers, access the hidden job market and cold canvas, to support individuals in a graduated return to work program through volunteer and supported placement opportunities (including SIRA programs). Our effective partnerships with the individual, the host employer or organisation ensure positive and engaging placement experiences which often result in paid work opportunities. Monitoring and support is available throughout the duration of supported placements.
Job placements and work trials:
- Encourage personal development and exploration through the trial of different work positions.
- Help individuals to gain a clearer understanding of the type of work they would like to pursue for longer term employment.
- Help individuals acquire new skills, gain useful perspective on what they enjoy in a workplace setting, and grow professionally.
Return to Work Plans
The return to work plan is a blueprint for seamlessly transitioning employees into their new roles when returning to the workplace after an injury or illness. It's designed to help individuals return safely, productively, confidently to the workforce without suffering any major setbacks in their recovery. The plans are created by our rehabilitation providers and the new employers, often in conjunction with treating medical practitioners.
Return to work plans benefit returning workers by:
- Providing a clear pathway and structure that helps ease a transition back to work.
- Offering the individual clarity surrounding expectations, resources, and their role in their new position.
- Considering each employee's individual goals and needs, from physical fitness requirements to psychological support, and providing tangible solutions for workplaces and employees on how to meet these goals.
- Helping to create a safe workplace for everyone by outlining clear expectations and procedures that adhere to local health guidelines.

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Frequently Asked Questions
A vocational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s work profile and potential with consideration to their physical, psychological, and cognitive capabilities.
When utilising the digital platform FuturePathways®, the assessment includes completion of a number of online assessment modules (approx 8 in total) which can be completed in the comfort of an individual’s own home, or in-office with support from a consultant depending on individual preference and need. Completion of these modules can require 1 – 1.5 hours. Following completion of the online modules, a semi-structured interview will occur with an experienced rehabilitation counsellor / psychologist to review the assessment outcomes, and dive deeper into understanding the individual’s circumstances, needs, and goals. The interview aspect can take 1 – 2 hours pending individual complexity and completion of the FuturePathways® assessment tool (additional time may be required in the event FuturePathways® is not completed prior).
As part of the vocational assessment process, individuals are asked to complete a range of psychometric assessments and questionnaires to help in understanding their vocational interests, aptitude, personality, general health and wellbeing.
Individuals will engage in a one-to-one vocational interview where details regarding their employment history, transferable skills and where relevant, their medical history and work capacity are gathered. Individuals who partake in a vocational assessment are often encouraged to provide other supporting documentation or information that can assist in the vocational assessment process. This may include their resume, copies of qualifications, their driver’s license, and or medical certificates or reports.
The vocational assessor will discuss the outcomes and key findings of the vocational assessment with the individual. Through exploration of the labour market, and where relevant collaboratively working with the individual's treatment/medical team, suitable vocational options are identified, and a detailed vocational assessment report is completed.
The job seeking education and coaching programs offered by our experienced team members will vary depending on individual need. Programs are tailored to ensure competitive and independent job searching skills are developed within an appropriate timeframe.
Some of the key topics which may be covered will include (but not be limited to):
- Injury disclosure
- Resume / cover letter creation
- Application submission
- Online job search engines (SEEK, LINKEDIN etc)
- Hidden job market
- Canvassing and networking approaches
- Basic computer operations
- Interview pre and post preparation
- Interview skills training including practice interviews
Placements will be sought accordingly with relevant individual needs and considering relevant legislative opportunities. For example, in NSW use of the SIRA programs including the Work Trial, Job Cover Placement Program (and more!) are actively utilised to engage host employers for the provision of both paid and volunteer placements. Employers are contacted through multiple methods including warm and cold contacts to establish opportunities for individuals. Placements can also be sought through local volunteer agencies and non-profit organisations that can offer a period of unpaid work placement.
Placements can be sought for the purpose of a graduated return to work (for example, for building capacity or confidence), to enhance or develop new and existing skills through on the job training, to establish new employer contacts for use as a reference when applying for new work, to allow on-the-job training associated with formalised re-training, as a trial period prior to commencing a new position with an employer to complete any required training, to provide subsidies to an employer to enhance employment opportunities for individuals; and for many more purposes. The placements are well considered at the time of a vocational assessment to ensure any placement opportunities are identified appropriately.
A Return to Work plan is typically the result of a workplace assessment / evaluation whereby all requirements of the position are assessed in considering the individual’s capabilities and needs. The plan aims to establish a period of graded activities and hours in the role, allowing for pacing and transition back into a workplace.
The Return to Work plan is established in collaboration with all relevant parties, including the employer and individual. Relevant treating medical practitioners may also be consulted in compiling a Return to Work plan.