Lifetime Care and Support Complex/Severe Claims
An individual may require lifetime care and support after a catastrophic road or work accident. Depending on the insurance scheme or state in which a motor vehicle or workplace accident occurs, those who have suffered a complex or severe lifelong injury may be eligible for lifetime care and support. Our experienced occupational therapists work with those who meet the eligibility criteria to improve their quality of life.

Our Lifetime Care and Support for Complex and Severe Claims
Altius Group’s Lifetime Care and Support provides holistic services to increase mobility, help with the provision of necessary aids including home and car modifications and support individuals in returning to work. We place individuals at the centre of our service to increase their independence and improve their ability to participate in their life and community.
When Altius Group provides Lifetime Care and Support:
- We ensure our clients are provided with allied health professionals to manage their complex or severe injuries, or psychological issues.
- We aim to increase our client’s mobility and capability through physical therapies such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
- Our team takes care of the prescription and approval application for reasonable and necessary equipment, making everyday life activities easier and simpler.
- Our allied health professionals can carry out a care needs assessment, to identify an individual’s care needs for provision of external care and funding. This facilitates services required for an individual’s personal care as well as ongoing care and maintenance for their home, such as home and garden maintenance.
- We collaborate with specialists across Altius Group to put the best supports in place for those returning to work, this could include facilitating vocational assessments, career counselling, job-seeking education and coaching, job placement and work trials, and the creation of return to work plans.
- We remove physical barriers for individuals, improving a participant’s quality of life and increasing their involvement in the community.

Need help finding what you require? Speak with an expert.
Why choose Altius Group for your Lifetime Care and Support Services
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’ve been catastrophically injured in a road accident, you may be eligible for lifetime care and support. The schemes are run by state and are a no-fault insurance funded by a levy on green slips (Compulsory Third Party Insurance). Each state has a different body running the government scheme and can be called variously:
NSW –- Lifetime Care and Support Scheme – run by iCare Lifetime Care
ACT – Lifetime Care and Support Scheme – run by ACT Treasury
SA – Lifetime Support Scheme – run by Lifetime Support Authority
WA – Catastrophic Injuries Support – run by The Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA)
QLD – The National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ)
VIC – Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
NT – Motor Accidents Compensation Scheme – run by Territory Insurance Office (TIO)
TAS – Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB)
The relevant insurer in each state. Please refer to the scheme in your state:
NSW – Lifetime Care and Support Scheme – run by iCare Lifetime Care
ACT – Lifetime Care and Support Scheme – run by ACT Treasury
SA – Lifetime Support Scheme – run by Lifetime Support Authority
WA – Catastrophic Injuries Support – run by The Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA)
QLD – The National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ)
VIC – Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
NT – Motor Accidents Compensation Scheme – run by Territory Insurance Office (TIO)
TAS – Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB)