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How a Vocational Assessment Supports Injured Employees

A life-changing injury shouldn’t signal the end of a person’s working life. While they may not be able to return to their role, a vocational assessment can uncover other meaningful work opportunities.

A serious injury can impact upon every facet of life, including work. When an injured employee is ready to return to work, their pre-injury role may not be suitable. When it's clear that an individual will need a new role, it’s important that they find meaningful employment that matches their values, skillset, interests and capabilities.

What is a Vocational Assessment? 

A vocational assessment is an evaluation of an individual’s work profile and potential with consideration to their physical, psychological and cognitive capabilities. It involves analysing transferable skills, employment history, training and education, interests, work styles and personality. The assessment is carried out by a qualified Psychologist or Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor and takes 1-2 hours to complete.

The individual is asked to complete a range of psychometric assessments and questionnaires. The assessor may ask the individual to provide supporting documentation and information that can assist in the vocational assessment process such as a resume, copies of qualifications, licenses, medical certificates and other reports. All of this information is considered when reporting on potential employment or training opportunities in the assessment report.

How a Vocational Assessment Can Help Injured Employees

A vocational assessment identifies suitable employment options following a worker’s redundancy, injury or illness that prevents them from returning to their previous role.

Finding Transferable Skills

A vocational assessment can uncover skills that even the individual may not realise they have. The assessment will consider a worker’s previous employment, as well as the skills and knowledge they have acquired throughout their working life that are useful in various jobs and industries.

Some examples of transferable skills include:

  • Problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical reasoning
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Written and verbal communication
  • Adaptability
  • Attention to detail
  • Creative thinking
  • Project management
  • Computer skills

Job Preparation

In addition to the assessment and report process, the assessor can assist an individual with job applications, re-training and securing new employment. They may identify suitable job opportunities within the same organisation or new organisations. The worker’s level of interest and potential job satisfaction is considered before recommending any roles.   

Morale and Ongoing Support

An individual who has been away from the workforce for some time and/or has sustained an injury can suffer from a lack of confidence. Vocational counselling may be required before, during or after the assessment to establish realistic employment goals and encourage the individual to apply for suitable roles. The assessor can use the report’s findings to encourage an individual to apply for roles that they think they’re not capable of. 

Vocational Assessment Reports

The assessment report provided to an individual is comprehensive and evidence-based. At Altius, we use FuturePathways,  an innovative, digitally supported vocational and career matching assessment platform. The tool identifies an individual's skills, work style tendencies, aptitudes and capabilities. The results of the platform combined with the assessor’s expertise are included in a detailed report that helps guide discussions for identifying the most appropriate job matches. Where required, an assessor can work collaboratively with the individual’s medical team in finding suitable employment opportunities.

For more information, see the Altius Group Vocational Assessment page, call 1800 258 487 or get in contact online.

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